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Data Collection Portable/Remote

The Data Collection is the direct way to obtain data from a corrosion device. EuropCorr offers two ways to obtain data for this configuration.

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Data Collection Portable/Remote

The Data Collection is the direct way to obtain data from a corrosion device. EuropCorr offers two ways to obtain data for this configuration.

Portable Data Collection



MaxiCorr is a handheld corrosion meter designed to measure corrosion rate. MaxiCorr incorporates two analysis techniques: Electrical Resistance (ER) & Linear Polarization Resistance (LPR).

MegaCorr RS-232
MegaCorr RS-232
MegaCorr RS-232

MegaCorr RS-232

MegaCorr RS-232 is a field data logger for continuous measurement of rates. It is suitable for any type of sensing element: ER and LPR.

Data Collection Portable/Remote

The Data Collection is the direct way to obtain data from a corrosion device. EuropCorr offers two ways to obtain data for this configuration.

The first way consists on using MaxiCorr portable handheld instrument for obtaining data from a probe in a specific time having the information of that precise moment. The second way consists on using MaxiCorr, as interface unit, together with MegaCorr; in this case the data is stored in the MegaCorr memory and after a period of time you can download this data and transfer to Corrtrack PC Software.

Both solutions are in relation with CorrTrack, our software to analyse the corrosion data that gives you important information as resistances, metal loss or corrosion rate.