Coupon is a piece of a predetermined material and shape that will be immersed in the fluid to study the corrosion effect.
Weight Loss Coupons
Special Coupons
Fixed Coupons
Coupons and Holders
Coupons are made to study corrosion, erosion and other phenomena that influence pipelines and vessels. It is the simplest, least expensive and longest established method of estimating corrosion losses in operating system.
Coupon is a piece of a predetermined material, shape, size and surface that will be inserted for a period of time in the installation to be studied. Weight loss or other changes of the coupons will be representative of corrosion effect in the pipelines.
With the use of the Access and the Retrieving System the coupons can be easy and rapid changed without shutdown.
Coupons are insulated from the coupon holder by insulating material. Each coupon is marked unique serial number for proper identification and all coupons are provided with written certification showing serial number, weight in grams up to four decimal points, dimension and material. Each coupon is individually packaged in moisture resistance inhibited envelope and with a corrosion free shelf life of one year.